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Agile methods have already been used successfully in computer software development for the past few years. As a result of this success, the techniques are now being used in project management as well, as they offer a flexible procedure which may be adjusted accordingly so as to satisfy the needs of the organisation.

Agile project management involves a higher level plan being generated by the project manager. This plan identifies the high level vision of the solution and takes into account the basic requirements of the project. Increments are then undertaken one by one by the different team members, with the next increment only being started after the preceding increment has been completed. An organisation is benefited by the Agile project management method by permitting them to respond rapidly to any changes in conditions to be able to ensure the desired outcome is met on time.

There are always a number of Agile project management training courses which project managers can attend. They can be found at different levels according to what qualifications the delegate might have, and also what job role they currently hold. For example, the Agile Project Management Summary course may benefit any member of staff who could be working in an Agile project management environment, but the Inspiration and Practitioner course may be much more suitable for those people who happen to be practising project managers or would really like to become an Agile project manager.

Agile project management training seems to concentrate on the value of regular face to face communication. Each member of the team must be encouraged to participate in group discussions and to notify the other members of what work that they had completed the previous day. This could then help to form an action plan of what work needs to carried out for that working day. These short term goals can make sure that the job is kept to schedule and is completed efficiently.

Great project management is crucial for ensuring that tasks are carried out effectively on time and within budget. itil v3 courses