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No matter what state a non-custodial parent may stay, they're still responsible for making appropriate child support payments. The Nevada daughter or son support office will help assist a custodial parent in locating a lost parent. So that you can establish child support this should be done first!

The child support office in the state of Nevada would like for the custodial parent to establish paternity for their kiddies once the non-custodial parent is situated. Sometimes a mother won't know who the biological father may be, therefore, a genetic test can be carried out to show the true father of the son or daughter. Once the examination results are in, and they are positive, child support will be established by the child support office.

The child support office will determine the quantity of income that will be paid by the non-custodial parent, when creating child support. The amount of son or daughter support that will be paid will depend on the amount of Income made by the non-custodial parent. Income such as earnings from a pay always check, unemployment benefits, lottery earnings, rental income, and many other source that the non-custodial parent might have. Once Nevada child support has been ordered, funds can last until the child emancipates, or when the child becomes eighteen years, twenty if they're still in school regular.

Many non-custodial parents who're ordered to pay child support may well not abide by the child support guidelines. In any case, the Nevada child support offices has many techniques in enforcing child support payments. A non-custodial parent who does not make regular son or daughter support payments may have their income withheld, noted to the Credit Bureau, have liens positioned on any particular houses, suspension of licenses or permits and criminal enforcement.

To find out more on child support laws in the state of Nevada, please click the links below. family law lawyer junction city