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Tin Man

The Enterprise brings aboard the Betazoid Alliance emissary Tam Elbrun, and takes him to a far-off galaxy. Elbrun, whom Deanna Troi formerly understood when he was a mental person, has a history of mental instability due to his overpoweringly tough telepathic capabilities, got considerably earlier compared to many Betazoids, but his one-of-a-kind capabilities are used for initial call situations with alien life. On this specific goal, Elbrun's abilities are should try to coax a big sentient spaceship, nicknamed "Tin Man" away from a star that is about to go supernova. En course, Elbrun discovers it inconceivable to filter out the minds of the Enterprise workers, yet finds comfort in establishing a relationship with Information, who has no thoughts to be reviewed.

When they arrive, the Enterprise is dealt with by a Romulan Warbird waiting for them. The warbird turns to deal with "Tin Man", yet Elbrun delivers it a telepathic alert. "Tin Man" gives off a power wave that ruins the Warbird and seriously wrecks the Enterprise. Elbrun, now in communication with "Tin Man," reveals that it calls itself Gomtuu. Gomtuu has existed for many millennia, is perhaps from an additional galaxy, and made use of to have a workers, however they were dropped in a radiation accident; due to mix of regret (sensation in charge of the reduction of the staff), loneliness (having no workers), and a sensation of uselessness (once again, having no team, no purpose), Gomtuu wishes to perish in the supernova. Elbrun requests to be gleamed aboard the ship yet Picard bewares of this activity. When a 2nd warbird arrives, Picard permits Elbrun transport to Gomtuu in addition to Data to aid safeguard the ship. Elbrun is initially overwhelmed with data from Gomtuu however gradually comes to determine himself with the ship. With the supernova near, the elated Elbrun notifies Information he will stay with Gomtuu, thinking it is where he really belongs.

Gomtuu leaves the star's orbit minutes before the beginning of the supernova, and sends out the Enterprise and the Warbird turning from the star system in separate directions before they are captured in the solar blast. As the Enterprise reclaims control they locate Data aboard the bridge, who states what occurred aboard Gomtuu. Later, when Data talks about the occasions with Troi, Information involves understand that like Elbrun with Gomtuu, the Enterprise is where he belongs. forex best system