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At Home Pedicure: Do-It-Yourself

Scientists have shown that getting a pedicure can be very good. They don't simply help your feet feel better; when they include things like massage, they can improve your circulation, lessen your stress, and reduce pain. Professional pedicures, though, are not something that many individuals are interested in having. Professional pedicures involve using the same tools that have been used on many other individuals and you aren't able to tell whether or not those tools meet hygienic standards. Thankfully, you can give yourself pedicures. If you are interested to learn how to perform your own pedicures, continue reading.

The first thing you need to do is use a non-acetone polish remover (acetone is bad for your body) to get rid of any polish that might still be on your toenails. Trim the nails on your toes straight across and use a nail file to smooth down any roughness. Make sure to trim the nails using a toenail clipper, not one for fingernails. The curved shape of the fingernail clipper can cause toenails to be ingrown and begin hurting.

Try to use a foot bath and soak your feet. Make sure to soak your feet in the bath for about three minutes. You can add things like lavender bath salts or other skin moisturizers and soothers. This can turn the foot bath into a really comforting experience and help your feet feel genuinely good. You can find ingredients for your foot bath in nearly every store that sells bath and body products. A few are pricier than others but choose the one you like the best.

Remove any calluses or rough patches that might remain after your foot soak with a pumice stone. Try not to use a callus shaver (or a similar tool). A plain old pumice is all you actually need to have.

Rinse off your feet after you're finished with the pumice stone. After you have rinsed the dust from the pumice stone and your calluses and any foot soak-ness that remains, apply some moisturizing lotion. You can see dozens of different types of moisturizing lotions produced specifically for the feet. Try not to rub in the lotion (although if you're pressed for time this is okay). However, you have time, massage it in. The massage is beneficial for your whole body, not simply your feet.

Once your feet are clean, without any calluses and moisturized, it is time to prep them to be nice. This isn't crucial but it can do wonders for your confidence to know that, even if they are enclosed in shoes, your toes are beautiful. Cuticle pushers are the best option for pushing back your cuticles (trimmers can trigger a multitude of injuries and infections). Your first coat should be a good nail strengthening polish. After base coat has had the time to dry properly, apply whatever colors or designs that you prefer!

A DIY pedicure is usually cheaper than a professional pedicure and typically takes less time to complete. Get going today; these at-home pedicures can improve your overall health! go to website