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Women's car insurance coverage has been popping up all more than the net and our Television screens lately. There is a whole new class of insurers like Sheila's Wheels and Cover Girl who offer auto insurance for ladies only. They promise reduce premiums for females drivers because, they claim, it really is less costly for them to insure girls. Women are much better drivers so a decrease threat, they say. They have fewer accidents, fewer driving convictions and when they do have an accident, the repairs are usually cheaper. So, is it actually true, or is it just one more marketing gimmick?

The answer to the question is both yes and no. Women only insurance businesses are marketing to a particular niche - girls drivers. Of course it's a gimmick, but like the finest advertising and marketing gimmicks, it is based in truth. Right here are the details about girls drivers and insurance:

-92% of driving convictions are handed out to men.

Those figures are modifying, although, as ladies turn out to be far more aggressive drivers. According to statistics gathered by the auto insurance coverage comparison internet site, 16.8% of male drivers have convictions on their driving record, compared to 9.8% of female drivers. That number is up from 4.8% of female drivers just three years ago.

-Males drive in a different way than girls.

A whopping 98% of unsafe driving convictions had been handed out to male drivers last year. According to all the investigation, men tend to be far more aggressive and competitive behind the wheel than girls, and that naturally leads to much more accidents. Ladies tend to drive much more gradually - usually within the speed limits - and to drive shorter distances. All of those facts add up to fewer accidents that involve women. (So much for all these jokes about lousy girls drivers. The statistics say otherwise.)

-Insurance companies pay out much less in damages for policies taken out by women.

When females do get into an accident, they tend to be of the fender-bender scrape variety. Overall, insurance coverage firms have always recognized that female drivers expense them much less in payouts.

Even so, that does not necessarily translate to the lowest premiums from companies that only insure ladies. In fact, numerous of them provide actual quotes that are greater than the rate you'd be quoted from a much more generic motor insurance firm. The truth is that in spite of the widespread sentiment that ladies drivers underwrite their far more pricey male counterparts by paying greater insurance coverage, most insurance businesses supply lower insurance coverage prices to female drivers as a customary portion of doing company.

That is not to say that you won't get the very best cost from an insurer who only insures women's cars. The bottom line is the very same as it is with any other auto insurance coverage selection. Shop around. Get insurance rate quotes from a number of diverse firms prior to you determine on the policy that's greatest for you. Keep in mind when you're comparing policies that you should usually evaluate like with like. Decide on the specific cover that you want just before you start requesting quotes, and make sure that the rate you are quoted consists of all the cover you require. It's really the only way to be totally particular you happen to be getting the best cover for your income. User:QuevedoJara648 - Carbon Literacy Forum Wiki