Symptoms of Deltoid Strain
Symptoms of Deltoid Strain
deltoid injury symptoms vary in nature and intensity. Experiencing pain when the arm is lifted and held out in front of the body or to the side in response to resistance could indicate deltoid strain. In more severe cases, inflammation and swelling might be present in the area where the deltoid has torn. Pressing on the deltoid will also produce pain, especially if it is swollen, as this suggests something more has occurred than just a simple muscle strain. For an accurate diagnosis, see a physician for a complete examination.
Alleviating Pain of Deltoid Injury
Deltoid soreness can be eased by placing ice packs on the injured area for 10 to 15 minutes, once an hour. Also, as an athlete or trainer, you should significantly reduce the amount of exercise in which you participate, until the soreness is gone. If the pain and tightness continues to restrict your physical activity for more than a few days, see a doctor to ensure that a more serious injury has not been sustained. Light Exercise for Repair of Deltoid Muscles
After seeing a doctor to ensure that it is nothing more than a deltoid strain, you can begin engaging in light exercise several times a week. Stretching exercises involving the deltoid provide movement beneficial to strengthening the damaged muscle. Try interlacing fingers, palms facing out, and stretching the arms straight out in front. Hold this position for 15 seconds. Repeat three times. Another stretching exercise involves holding your clasped hands behind your back and lifting your hands until you feel stretching in your shoulders. Other Techniques
Physicians specializing in sports injuries can perform massages to alleviate pain and facilitate recovery of the deltoid muscle. Grade III deltoid injuries are the most severe and will need professional physical therapy for proper rehabilitation. Very rarely does a deltoid strain or tear need surgery, something that usually arises from the individual ignoring the symptoms and continuing to stress the muscle with rigorous physical activity.
References Sports MD; Deltoid Strain; Brian J. Ludwig Sports Injury Clinic: Deltoid Strain Or Rupture