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Asked not too long ago to write about digital cigarettes, I have to confess that I had never heard of this type of thing. Some internet study later and I discovered that electronic cigarettes are highly much a in no time strong concern. A Bing search revealed there may be no smoke without fire as almost six 1000000 outcomes only on the phrase "electronic cigarette" were returned.

What is an digital cigarette?

The electronic cigarette has been in lifestyle for almost 3 years and is a clever instrument aimed at feeding smokers with a healthier alternative. Apparently also useful in helping to reduce and indeed quit smoking altogether.

Now in a fourth generation, electronic cigarettes have end up being much more user friendly in comparison with earlier versions which maybe were a little too huge to encourage a mass sector appeal. The "mini" is that the most sensible e cigarette to date with its length of 100mm being the same as a usual for cigarette.

An digital cigarette contains a taste of tobacco however none in the harmful substances found in normal cigarettes allowing smokers cravings to be satisfied without inhaling all of the dangerous toxins. Is it all smoke and mirrors? Or can this item actually be the saviour it wants to be?

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